Warning: Undefined variable $conn in /home/jonblyth/public_html/lawoftheplayground.net/index.php on line 14

Warning: Attempt to read property "connect_error" on null in /home/jonblyth/public_html/lawoftheplayground.net/index.php on line 14
The Law of the Playground
you are in the deletion zone
For whatever reason, when Mr. Glanville coded the original version of this site, he decided we'd never delete a thing. Remember how everyone on Parler got their shit ripped even after they went around trying to delete all their racist posts? Well, we've got the same bucket of bollocks going on around here, only it's poorly formed memories about a fat kid you were needlessly mean to. This is absolutely everything in the database. Fill your boots, you absolute masochist.

watch out for admin chat
Because you're about to read stuff that was never intended to be seen, you might also see the editors chatting among ourselves. If you see Edward Cockfingers, he's the imaginary editor we'd throw to with the worst entries. He has his very own page.

Admin chat looks like this. I'm Log, the nice one. All of the other admins have gone now. On the up-side I've got a second monitor these days so I'm rarely not wanking

you have been briefed
Now return to the page you were on, bearing in mind that you've just manipulated the timeline, and things might be different.